Thank you for helping us in our Virtual Crib Challenge. We welcome you as part of our team! Please do not hesitate to encourage others to join in our efforts to make a difference. Check the leaderboard over the coming weeks to see how we are doing. Let’s not let the other groups get too far ahead. Go team!
The donations to the Virtual Crib Challenge will enable The Infant Food Bank to acquire additional baby necessities based on need when stock runs low. Funds to keep the doors open to the over 600 registered families in our community that rely on the Infant Food Bank for support.
All of us together, we are making a difference in Greater Sudbury. A sincere thank you to you.
All the donations collected here go directly to the Infant Food Bank regardless of which Virtual Crib you have decided to add your donation to. The Infant Food Bank is 100% funded through donations. Fill out the form below to donate and receive your tax receipt!